
Small group was wonderful today. The girl who was not able to make it last week came today, and we had so much fun. We were only supposed to meet for 90 minutes, but we ended up meeting for 3 hours! The girls just had so much fun in the presence of YHWH, and with each other. I am so thankful, because I have been praying for these girls. My prayer has been that we can become like a family.

I have been observing Sabbath for a while now, at least a few years. And although Sabbath is restful, sometimes I feel like I am lacking something, as if resting is its own kind of work. And as I have studied Hebrew culture, I learned that Sabbath was (and is amongst modern Jews) a family event. And I realized that I was missing a family in my Sabbath. I am the only in my physical family who observes Sabbath, except for my mother. But while I am at school, it is just me.

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Update: First Small Group

Hey! Sorry I didn’t update sooner. Yesterday was busy.

My first small group went well. I was really blessed. I had planned for four students to come (in addition to myself and my roommate.) One did. Granted, one had valid plans to see a friend in the city. The other two  have decided that their schedules are too full. I am not offended or discourage. Papa is good, and He is faithful.  He promised me five to seven people, I will have five to seven people.

The girl who did come is such a blessing, and I am so happy to have her. She is a beautiful, bubbly girl, and she is so thirsty for more! When I told her we would be spending most of our time in Torah, she was so excited! She said that she has been wanting more OT education. Halleluyah!

As I rambled, I ended up having more time than I had planned. My little speech only lasted five to ten minutes! But Father blessed my tongue, and gave me the words to say. It was absolutely wonderful, and we ended the time in worship.

It may not have been the impressive small group I had been anticipating, but I had so much shalom. YHWH is tov. So so good!

I am really excited for this small group, and especially to see what YHWH is going to do in our hearts. His plans are so wonderful. I know this will go well.




First small group

Hi guys!

I’m leading my first small group tomorrow. The students that are attending are students want to go deeper in the word, who have seen how follow Yeshua and want to study with me. I’m super excited! Please keep me in your prayers that I will focus on the Father, saying only His words. Pray that I will not waste a word, that I will honor Him with everything I say. Pray for the students coming to the study, that their hearts will be prepared to encounter YHWH. And pray that His presence will be thick in the room.

Shabbat Shalom!
