Hebrew Word Studies: To Fatten

I’ve already known that intense word studies is one the ways that I connect with the Father the deepest. I haven’t taken the time to do any lately, but today I did and I am so glad!

Today I’m going to share what I learned about the word translated as “create,” as in “In the beginning Elohim created…” I wish I had gone more in depth when I wrote my paper on Genesis 1:1-5. There is even more here than I thought.

I am definitely an amateur, so if you want to correct me, please do! If you’re not as familiar, I encourage you to do some study of your own and do not simply trust what I find.

First, basic information, and then interpretation. Sources are Mechanical-translation.net and joinedtohashem.org

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Trust in the Lord

There are moments in my life when I realize just how young I am, and I learn the importance of weighing things against the test of time. This moment in my life is one of them.

I could list many things that I have held onto as definite, that turned out to be not so defined or long-lasting. Just to name a few, early high school I thought I was going to be a film score composer, freshman year of college I thought I’d for sure teach English in Japan, this time last year I thought I would be with my (now ex) boyfriend forever, and this past May I thought I would be following the Paleo diet for the rest of my life. Each time I make these resolutions, I mock my previous self as knowing nothing, and that I know so much better now.

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